While shaving can seem like a mundane task, your face really is the first thing people see. Shaving not only makes you appear well-groomed, it exfoliates your skin, gives you a more youthful appearance, and starts you on your day. Once a manly passage, a ritual handed from father to son, it's more about getting out of the house on time than doing it properly.

How to shave. 
Always start with a wet face. After your shower is ideal as it opens your pores and allows for a closer, less irritating shave.
Fill your sink half way with hot water. Wet your face with hot water as well. Use the sharpest razor you can. Many disposable razors aren't worth their salt. Better options are the cartridge types (you replace the razor only) and the best at-home razor you can use is the double-edge razor. Think your grandfathers razor. The one JFK and James Bond used. Sean Connery's James Bond. 

Lather your face with a good shaving cream, one that is thick enough for your beard and able to hold on to your face throughout the shave. Wet your shave brush in the hot water. Ideally, you're using a shave brush to apply the cream in a circular motion. A shave brush is made from various types of hair with the best ones being made from badger hair. The brush allows the cream and hot water to mix together before hitting you face, creating more emulsion than your fingers can.

Now that your face is fully prepped, wet the blade in the hot water and shave with the grain, not against. Your face is too sensitive for a wrong-direction shave. After each swipe of the blade, rinse it off in the hot water. This both cleans the razor and keeps your face moist. Once finished, rinse off your blade and brush. Wash your face in cool water to close the pores.
Follow with a good after shave (preferably alcohol-free to avoid further irritation) to moisturize and act as an antiseptic for any possible nicks. 

Take a look in the mirror. You're a man. Dress like one. Shaving is part and parcel.

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